by - 9:36 PM

5 Benefits of Jicama In Pregnancy - Yam is one type of bulb-shaped fruits are popular in Indonesian society. Additionally it contains a lot of water and able to drive the thirst, the fruit is also often utilized as a mask or scrub to whiten skin naturally. However, it was not only the benefits of yam. Who would have thought it a fruit yam has a high beneficial nutrients important for the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Well, below are some nutritional content and benefiting yam in improving maternal and fetal health.


Calcium and phosphorus
Yam is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Both types of minerals is useful in supporting the growth and strengthens bones and teeth. Therefore, pregnant women who eat yam will avoid complaints bone loss (osteoporosis) and dental disorders such as cavities.

Yam contains a lot of water. Nature is what makes yam favored by pregnant women because it can provide a fresh effect, especially if nausea are whack. In addition, fluid intake of fruit yam is very useful in reducing the risk of pregnant women suffer from dehydration. In fact, the fluid in the body of pregnant women beneficial maintain skin moisture to make skin look fresh, healthy, and beautiful. In addition to consumption, the efficacy of this yam can you feel when using the yam as the main ingredient for skin lightening facial mask.

Yam is one of the fruits that have high fiber content and useful launched digestive system. Therefore, the fruit is a favorite food for pregnant women whose pregnancy discomforts such expel powerful, constipation or constipation and diarrhea. In fact, this fiber is very useful in maintaining ideal body weight of pregnant women.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also contained in many yam. Act as an antioxidant, vitamin C is very useful repair damaged tissue cells and boost the immune system in combating various types of diseases. In addition, vitamin C is also beneficial maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and skin as well as efficacious in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, jicama highly recommended for consumption by pregnant women who have high cholesterol levels.

Iron in yam fruit is also high. Pregnant women are always in need of the intake of iron to produce red blood cells in order to prevent exposure of complaints anemia. Iron absorption will be optimized with the support of vitamin C.

In addition to the above nutrients, yam is also efficacious to prevent excessive stomach acid production, and nutritious fiber lowers blood sugar levels. Knowing the nutrient content in the yam pieces it can be seen that the fruit is also safe for consumption by pregnant women with symptoms of diabetes, high cholesterol, ulcers, etc. In fact, for any postpartum mother, yam pieces are also able to reduce the pain of childbirth, and can increase milk production.

Yam proved good consumed by the pregnant mother, Mam. So, what are you waiting? Immediately serve a variety of yam fruit in your daily menu, start by taking them directly or processed into a salad, or sweets to suit your taste. Hope it is useful.

Source of article : http://www.ibudanmama.com/

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